Welcome to Chesterton Primary School SEND information page

Our motto ‘learning together, growing together, succeeding together’ is central to our fully inclusive vision of a high-quality education for ALL children regardless of their different starting points and any Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities that they may have.
Our ‘Quality First Teaching’ ensures that the learning needs of all children are met through different and personalised learning experiences that may include support and/or challenge through the use of different resources, activities, adult support, or outcomes.

Where children may require support in addition to that provided by the class teacher, they will be assessed to establish the best course of action to secure success. This may involve the intervention of a ‘Learning Supervisor’ and the provision of a personalised programme, or the expertise of a specialist such as the SEND Services Advisor, Educational Psychologist, etc.

Whatever course of action is taken, this will be carried out after consultations with the child/ren and their parents/carers.


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that includes symptoms such as inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder include a short attention span, constantly fidgeting and acting without thinking. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can often be treated with medicines and talking therapies. It's not clear what causes attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, but it tends to run in families. Sometimes things can go unnoticed because the symptoms may be less obvious.

We have a variety of links to help you with ADHD…

Link to NHS for more information about ADHD

ADHD parenting tip 1: Stay positive and healthy yourself.

Maintain a positive attitude. Keep things in perspective.

Don't sweat the small stuff and be willing to make some compromises.

Believe in your child.

Seek support.

Take breaks.

Take care of yourself.

Follow a routine.

If your child is struggling to manage their ADHD, click this link to find some ways you can help.

Parenting children with ADHD - 16 Tips to tackle common challenges.

At Chesterton Primary we aim to support all children to enable them to achieve their full potential as we guide them through their learning journey. Quality first teaching is vital; however, for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their learning goals. We have high expectations of all out children and do whatever we can to support the children to achieve their goals.

Click on the pictures below to see social stories that you may find useful.

The Autism Outreach Team now have their own Facebook page. Access it HERE

Dyslexia and Dyscalculia

Please follow the link to understand dyslexia in your child’s learning

The SEND Leader is:

Ms Helen Swindells This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ms Swindells is responsible for overseeing the management of educational provision and progress of those children across the school identified as having a Special Educational Need or Disability.

It is our aim at Chesterton Primary to be as fully inclusive as possible for children with a variety of learning and developmental needs as well as physical disabilities.

If you wish to book an appointment then please contact the school office. 

Our SEND report below is designed to provide you with additional information about SEND Support at Chesterton Primary School. However, in the event that you have any additional questions you may consult Staffordshire County Council’s ‘Local Offer’ by clicking on the hyperlink below. Or alternatively, make an appointment with your child’s class teacher or the SEN leader Ms Helen Swindells.

Helpful Links

Please free to download further information below



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