Welcome to Year 6
Year 6 is the final year in primary education which makes it all that more special. Previous learning and experiences come together as further knowledge and skills are gained, refined and applied ready for their future.
Wonderful memories, which will last a lifetime, are made during this year and children develop their confidence and independence as they get ready for the next adventures in their life.
- Reading skills are nurtured so that children continue to love reading.
- Reading skills are developed so that children are able to independently read and advance their lifelong learning.
- We enjoy reading as a whole class and exploring the language and meaning of exciting texts.
- Texts are chosen from a wide range of eras, cultures and styles.
- Writing in Year 6 is developed to showcase children’s creative ideas and knowledge of the world.
- We write daily with purpose so that children have the staminia, skills and are comfortable with written communication.
Speaking and Listening
- Communication is the key to understanding and we love to talk!
- In Year 6, children develop their own ideas and raise challenging questions which lead to interesting debates.
- Children learn that it is equally important and beneficial to listen to others as well as sharing their thoughts.
- We debate topical issues.
- We follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. This helps us to learn in a logical sequence so that children build on their skills and knowledge.
- Maths is learnt in a purposeful way so that children can use these skills in their everyday life.
- Science is knowing about the world from facts, experiments and watching.
- During Year 6 we learn about: evolution and inheritance, electricity, light, micro-organisms and the human body.
- Children are encouraged to answer their own questions through exploration.
Art and Design
- We study artists and experiment with art in their style.
- We use a wide range of different art materials.
- E-safety and digital literacy is a huge parts of children’s lives and so children learn how to stay safe and follow the rules in their ever-changing digital world.
- Children learn about the capabilities of computing and how they are used in everyday life.
Design and Technology
- Termly projects focus on researching, designing and making purposeful objects.
- Children evaluate their work and look at ways they can make improvements which is a key part of learning to be resilient.
Geography is the study of people and places around the world. In Year 6 learning focuses on:
- a study of North America.
- biomes and vegetation.
- carbon footprints.
- Children develop an understanding of key events in our world history.
- During Year 6 children learn about: Anglo-Saxons, Crime and Punishment and Overcoming Oppression.
- Children reflect on the impact history has on our world.
- We continue our learning of Spanish.
- We learn how to build sentences in Spanish.
- We are able to talk about likes and dislikes in Spanish.
- Children learn the value of music appreciation and how it can have a positive impact on their wellbeing.
- A range of musical genres are learnt.
- Children develop their skills in writing and performing music.
- We further our understanding of healthy and active lifestyles.
- We develop our understanding of skills and rules in competition whilst appreciating the value of teamwork.
- We understand how our bodies work when we exercise.
- We compare our performance with others and work towards our personal best.
- We develop body control through movement activities.
- Within PSHE, we explore our feelings and emotions, celebrate differences, our relationships with others, the world around us, our dreams and goals and keeping ourselves healthy.
- Children lear about personal hygiene and puberty.
- We explore, engage with and reflect on the religions of Buddhism and Humanism.
- We also spend time appreciating and celebrating key moments in the Christian faith at Christmas and Easter.