Religious Education


Christianity is a main faith in the United Kingdom.  Learning about Christianity helps children to understand the reasons why we celebrate Christmas and Easter.  It is important that children have a wider understanding and appreciation for other religions and beliefs so that they can be tolerant and respectful towards these faiths. 


Children will learn about a different religion each year. They will explore each religion by learning facts about its creation, how they worship and the key beliefs.  Children will engage in some parts of the religion so they know what it looks and feels like.  Children will then reflect on what they have learnt and make comparisons to the Christian faith.

comparing to Christianity and each other; beliefs, worship, life after death.

To view the curriculum map go to downloads 

Christian stories told through whole school worship:


  • The Story of Creation (including Adam and Eve and the Garden of Creation): choices and temptation
  • Noah and the Ark: faith, perseverance and promise
  • The Good Samaritan: helping others and prejudice
  • David and Goliath: determination and strength
