
Personal wellbeing means being comfortable, healthy and happy and this is a vitally important part of our school ethos. We care about all members of our school family: children, their families and our adults in school.

Our curriculum is designed to support personal wellbeing and provide children with the knowledge and skills to support their own health and happiness in a positive and proactive way. They also learn how to seek help safely for themselves and others, if it is needed.

We have a team of school ambassadors (children from years one to six) who meet regularly to share the opinions, thoughts and feelings of pupils in school.

Sometimes, things happen which cause people to struggle with feeling comfortable and being healthy and happy so our dedicated team are here to help.

• We have a Senior Mental Health Lead in school who is responsible for developing our school approach and support network.
• We currently have two members of our team who are training to be nationally accredited ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants).
• Early Help Assessments are offered so that families can access support through a person they already know and feel comfortable with.
• NHS Mental Health Support Team referrals are available to support children and families at home and in school.

It’s also very important that our adults in school are comfortable, happy and healthy so that they are able to provide the very best levels of care for your children. We support our adults in school by being a respectful team and caring for each other.