After School Clubs
At Chesterton Primary School, we aim to provide as many opportunities as possible to engage all of our children in a 'broad and balanced’ curriculum that excites and encourages them to both come to school and to stay at school. We do this through the ‘Collaborative Curriculum,’ ’Story Topic Curriculum’ and our ‘Extra Curricular’ activities.
We offer a broad range of extra-curricular activities including: art and crafts, animations, football, cricket, dodgeball, board games, English, Maths Whizz and boosters.
All of our school clubs run from 3:00pm until 4:00pm and are provided ‘Free of Charge.’
Any additional clubs that are held by external providers incur a small charge.
Breakfast Club and After School Club for Reception to Year 6
The school provides a ‘Before School’ Breakfast Club and an ‘After School Club’ for children in Reception to Year 6.
The breakfast club is in the school nurture room/ school hall and runs from 7.30 a.m. each morning: the cost will be £4 for the full hour, including breakfast or £2 for an arrival. Children should be booked into the Breakfast Club if they are arriving early: otherwise they should arrive at the expected time of 8.25am onwards.
A choice of breakfast cereal/ toast and drink will be provided for each child and a range of supervised activities will be set up for the children to participate in once they have had their breakfast.
After School club will run from 2.55-5pm at the cost of £5 per session or £3 for the hour 3-4pm. This will include a drink and a biscuit. Supervised activities will be offered as well as opportunities to complete homework such as Maths Whizz and Reading. Pick up time must be punctual or an extra charge will be incurred. Children should be collected from the entrance hall.
There will be a limited number of places available and priority will be given to those parents who wish to access the club every day or who want a regular weekly booking. All remaining places, including ‘one-off’ bookings, will be available to book a week in advance.
The club is paid for through ParentPay and this will be expected in advance in order to secure your child’s place or on the day.