Our Governors

At Chesterton Primary School, the governors support the school. They actively seek to support and challenge the Head Teacher, helping to set the vision and strategic direction of the school.

Some of the responsibilities carried out by the governors include:

  • Ensuring that the school meets its legal responsibilities
  • Examining the school budget
  • Making decisions about buildings and premises
  • Appointing and securing staffing
  • Scrutinising performance data and ensuring actions are taken to improve standards

We hold three Full Governing Body meetings each year where the Head Teacher submits a detailed Head Teacher’s report which, along with data and independent reports, helps us to form decisions about the strategic direction of the school.

Each governor brings with them a wealth of experience and skills from a range of backgrounds. They visit the school as often as possible and we are proud to have such a committed Governing Body.


Full Governing Body



Head Teacher

Ms Helen Swindells


Mr Roy Dutton


Mrs Nikita Kwiatkowski


Mrs Hannah Rowe


Mrs Lynn Jackson


Mrs Lorraine Bradshaw


Ms Helen Smith



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