Welcome to Year 4


Year 4 is an important year in each child’s development. A strong focus on times tables supports future mathematic success in years to come, and our broad and balanced curriculum enables each child’s all rounded knowledge and success. As we progress through Key Stage 2, we are increasing our independence and stamina across the curriculum, and creating strategies for each child to gain autonomy over their own education.




  • We enjoy daily whole class guided reading sessions.
  • We read a range of texts by different authors, both fiction and non-fiction.
  • We are furthering our love of reading through sharing different books that have sparked our passions and interests.
  • Our class texts sometimes link with our other subject areas, if suitable – some of our class texts are chosen purely because they are phenomenal books.



  • Every week, we complete a written task that helps us to develop our writing stamina and ability to use the techniques taught in class.
  • We write a variety of text types throughout the year, encompassing poetry, fiction and non-fiction texts.
  • Writing should be joined, clear and accurate in size. 
  • Children's sentences are now expected to be written with more detail and make use of paragraphs. 


Speaking and Listening

  • We discuss our ideas to extend our understanding.
  • We expand our ideas to show our understanding of text.
  • We make predictions , refer to evidence and begin to make more formal presentations.
  • We debate key issues.



  • We follow the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. This helps us to develop mastery over the Year 4 curriculum.
  • Times tables is a priority in Year 4. We complete a national assessment at the end of the year that tests us on all of our times tables, up to and including the 12 times table.
  • Through variation practise, we develop our fluency in mathematics, and apply our understanding to problem solving and reasoning questions.



  • We develop our understanding and knowledge in the following key areas: electricity, sound, living things and their habitats, animals including humans and states of matter.


Art and Design

  • We study an artist and experiment with art in their style.
  • We use different art materials like clay, charcoal, graphite and paint.



  • We learn to use the internet and search engines safely.
  • We will explore what viruses and malware are and how to avoid them.
  • We will be using iPads to create videos with sound and they will learn how websites are made.
  • We will learn about algorithms, debugging and how to create different games using Scratch or Code.


Design and Technology

  • In D&T we follow the ‘research, design, make, evaluate’ process in all we do.
  • Learning includes: adapting a recipe to make biscuits as part of cooking and nutrition, using cross-stitch to make a cushion with textiles and using electrical systems to make a torch. 



We learn about:

  • Volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes.
  • Natural resources of the world.
  • Renewable and non-renewable resources.
  • Europe.



  • We develop a chronological understanding of key time periods in history, including the Victorians, the Vikings and the Romans.
  • Educational visits further support learning as children get the opportunity to immerse themselves in experiences which replicate these time periods. 



  • We will sing and listen to different types of songs.
  • We will experience musical instruments.
  • We will understand how music is written and compose songs of our own.
  • We listen to music and recall sounds.
  • We appreciate cultural music and why music is important ot our lives.



  • We further our understanding of healthy and active lifestyles.
  • We play traditional games and build our understanding of skills and rules in competition.
  • We understand how our bodies work when we exercise.
  • We compare our performance with others and work towards our personal best.
  • We develop body control through movement activities.



  • Within PSHE, we explore our feelings and emotions, celebrate differences, our relationships with others, the world around us, our dreams and goals and keeping ourselves healthy.



  • We explore, engage with and reflect on our knowledge of Judaism.
  • We also spend time recapping on crucial knowledge of Christian celebrations at the appropriate time of the year.

