Pupil Responsibility
Pupil Voice is crucial so that the children are fully involved in school decision-making as the children’s ideas are valued and important.
We have a clear understanding of what the children think and feel through their thoughts and ideas and can make changes that are helpful and meet their needs.
School Council
Pupil Voice at Chesterton Primary School is represented through the School Council. These are a group of children elected by their class to represent them in whole school decision making, such as teacher interviews, identifying priorities around their curriculum and learning and putting forward ideas from their classes to be discussed and implemented.
The School Council is made up of one or two elected members for each class from Year 1 to Year 6 depending on class size and commitment to the job!
The Council have regular meetings per term to discuss their school ideas and to provide feedback from the previous meeting. These meetings are held with a member of staff where the children are able to express their thoughts, ideas and beliefs about the improvements they can make to the school.
Eco Matters
The school council are the core pupils who also look after the environment and ensure we are being as eco-friendly as we can be in our setting: they will also raise awareness of wider eco -issues around and outside of school.
The children:
- Collect recycling from the classrooms
- Support food waste collection in the hall
- Support litter picking inside and outside of school
- Take part in community projects
- Share eco ideas and raise awareness
- Work on areas around the school include The Bug House
- Take part in Gardening Club
The Eco- Council have created their own ‘Eco-Code’ that they are committed to uphold. The ‘Code’ can be found below:
- Collect scrap paper to recycle
- Help our wild life and look after our garden
- Eat healthy snacks
- Switch lights off when room not in use
- Turn taps off. Don’t leave them dripping
- Eat healthy dinners
- Recycle and reuse as much as you can
- Tidy litter away in to bins
- Only use what you need
- Never drop litter
- Recycle waste food
The following awards have been achieved so far:
Year Six children are invited to take on the role of prefect. They are assigned responsibility that assist with the running of the school. These may include:
Helping with dinners
Supporting activities and events
Leading assemblies
Supporting younger children
Acting as role models and ambassadors for the school
Playground Leaders
Playground Leaders are trained to lead activities at break and lunchtime so that this time is positive and productive.
Ensure equipment is out and ready to use
Lead games with the younger children
Help with sporting activities
Classroom Leaders
Each teacher assigns roles to children to support the day-to-day running of the classroom. These include:
Book monitors
Tidying up team
Line Leaders
Class librarians
Librarians support the running of the library alongside the teacher in charge.
Their roles include:
Tidying up the shelves
Reporting any damaged books
Returning books to the right places
Sorting books into author/genre groups
Making decisions around new books